So Just Who IS Roger Smith?!?

He Didn't Run GM And He Wasn't Married To Ann Margaret. This Is The OTHER Roger Smith

So JUST who the f**k IS Roger Smith?  No, not the one who was married to Ann-Margaret nor the GM honcho whom Michael Moore deservedly skewered in his famous documentary "Roger and Me."  Perhaps the more pointed--and certainly more polite--question is this: Why should I want to hear this particular Roger Smith's opinions on all manner of subjects?  Has he enjoyed a lifetime of distinguished achievements?  No, not particularly.  Has he demonstrated unusual skill or talent in a specific field of accomplishment?  Not exactly. 

What he has had is a life that brought him into close contact with all kinds of celebrated and highly accomplished people, as his intelligence, charm and wit enabled him to make many of those encounters reveal essential truths about these celebrated personalities.  How did he come into contact with such luminaries as Robert Redford, George Soros, President Ford, Hal Prince, Barbara Walters, Beverly Sills, Roy Lichtenstein, Brooke Astor and Stephen Sondheim? Or Clint Eastwood, George McGovern, David Merrick, Mischa Baryshnikov, Leo Castelli, Orson Welles, Princess Grace and David Geffen? Thanks to Roger’s multiplicity of careers, he became familiar with leading figures in the film industry, the music business, on Wall Street, in politics, on Broadway and the world of high culture.  He knew them all, with each encounter often resulting in some sort of meaningful interaction and, on occasion, a genuine relationship.  

His newly-released podcast, “Who the F**k Is Roger Smith?” offers fascinating insights into these varied personages, enabled by Roger’s insatiable curiosity, his broad knowledge of all these fields and his essential charm/pushiness.  From his initial career on Wall Street; to a senior executive position with the parent company of Warner Bros.; to supervising the production of more than a dozen Broadway plays and musicals; to the entrepreneurial launch of the Criterion Collection; to moving to Hollywood where he became the CEO of LIVE Entertainment, the largest independent video company; to CFO of Carolco Pictures, then the leading independent film company; to a career in journalism as an expert on the media industry, including his own column in Variety and numerous appearances on CNBC; to an advisor to a number of venture-financed media-based internet companies.  While in these varied capacities, he maintained an active involvement in politics (on the Democratic side) and served on a number of Boards of arts, theatre and environmental organizations.

In these varied roles, he became involved with the many accomplished and celebrated figures named above, as well as Jasper Johns, Rupert Murdoch, Barbra Streisand, Ahmet Ertegün, Josephine Baker, Robert Downey Jr., Gloria Steinem and Ethel Merman.  He met them all and, in many cases, got to know some quite well.  These names will be familiar to anyone who is fairly cultivated and who has spent at least a decent chunk of their lives in the 20th Century. Roger promises meaningful insights—generally laudatory but sometimes critical—into the fascinating personages.  Perhaps more important, he promises to offer the listener nothing about the Kardashians or Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson--thank God.   



From 1966-1974, he worked on Wall Street as an investment analyst of two diverse industries, aerospace and entertainment; subsequently he became a portfolio manager supervising the North American holdings of a $110 million publicly-traded international fund



Having discovered his fascination with the entertainment industry, he was recruited in 1974 by Steve Ross for a senior executive position at Warner Communications, the parent of film studio Warner Bros., several major recorded music labels, one of America’s largest groups of cable television systems; and by acquisition in 1976, Atari which rapidly grew into the leading player in the nascent video games industry; he remained at Warner for 11 years, enjoying a rapid ascent in the executive ranks, acquiring responsibility for public relations, strategic planning and acquisitions; he also supervised Warner’s role as producer or co-producer of 17 Broadway and Off-Broadway plays and musicals and created the Warner Communications Program for the Arts which philanthropically supported non-profit organizations in all areas of the arts



In 1985 he left Warner to become an entrepreneur, co-founding The Criterion Collection which began life as the premiere source of high-quality audio/visual editions of the finest films of all-time on a new technology Laser Disc.  But Roger, after two years of struggling to finance and build Criterion concluded there was a limited future for the Laser Disc and sold the company to its present owners, who have brilliantly fulfilled his original dream, building Criterion into a major source for classic films, domestic and international, now numbering more than 1,400 titles; had Roger known that the DVD would come along ten years later, he might have hung in to reach the enormous consumer market this technology created



He was then recruited to be the CEO of Parallax Video, a small video rental and manufacturing company he took public in 1986; however the emergence of Blockbuster as a dominant force in video rental caused Roger find a buyer for Parallax and turn his attention to fulfilling his longtime goal of actually becoming a producer/distributor of motion pictures



This necessitated his moving to Los Angeles, where the pursuit of an executive position in Hollywood brought him into contact with Carolco Pictures, then the leading independent film company and the owner of a separate public video distribution company, LIVE Entertainment, which recruited him to be its Chief Financial Officer



At LIVE, he participated in building it from revenues of $40 million and operating losses when he arrived in mid-1986 to revenues of $700 million and operating income of $65 million by 1990, when he succeeded his boss Jose Menendez as CEO when Jose was murdered by his children



In his years at LIVE, the company became the largest independent home video producer/distributor, releasing such now-classic titles as Reservoir Dogs, Sex Lies & Videotape, Cinema Paradiso and Weekend at Bernie’s and making the strategic acquisition of the large film library of Vestron Pictures for $45 million



After one year as CEO, he chose to fulfill his longtime objective of actual involvement in the producing of motion pictures, lateraling over to parent company Carcolco as Executive Vice-President, Finance; in his three years at Carolco, he was directly involved in the financing and distribution of such major titles as Terminator 2, Total Recall and Basic Instinct



After three years at Carolco, he sensed that the company was not going to remain viable and left to become a consultant to a variety of media companies and financial institutions, moving back to New York in 1996 when he married New Yorker Terry Steiner, the proprietor and CEO of her specialty film distribution company Terry Steiner International



Beginning in 1999, he added yet another career as a media industry journalist when Peter Bart, the longtime editor of Variety, invited him to create a bi-monthly column on the business side of show business, which Roger named “It’s Only Money;”  this lead to frequent appearances on CNBC and Fox Business as a media expert



In 2007, he created, in partnership with the long-established London-based research organization Screen Digest, an institutional media research resource he named Global Media Intelligence; its primary audience was Wall Street financial institutions, and it appeared headed for success when Merrill Lynch agreed to become its distributor;  however, the Wall Street problems in 2008-9 brought about the demise of Merrill Lynch as an independent company and with it, Global Media Intelligence.  



From 2010 to 2022, he used his media expertise to identify, advise and raise capital for a variety of media-based internet start-ups; these included such nascent enterprises as Score Revolution,, PlanetHS and Digital Therapy Inc.  He raised a total of more than $10 million in equity capital for these ventures, serving on the Boards of Directors and advising them on business strategy; these activities brought him into daily contact with bright young tech entrepreneurs as digital technology became the driving force of nearly all media activities.